Allowing you to watch others fail so you don't have to make the same mistakes, failblog specializes in gathering (typically viral) videos of candid failures. What I enjoy most is the wins they scatter in their channel occasionally. Commonly, their videos get flagged, be sure you have a proper account to view some of their more... questionable... videos.'s Channel

Do you love YouTube but hate finding unoriginal content? Here, I will highlight the content of many YouTube channels worth atleast a gander. Expect posts first thing every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning (6AM EST)! Included in each post is a quick review and a link to their most popular video. I do not claim any right or responsibility to the linked content.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
Is it a good idea to microwave this?
JPizzle1122 (formally ideo productions) has some very interesting shows. The most interesting and viewed is "Is it a good idea to microwave this?" The threesome microwave common items, sometimes with VERY dangerous results. Although cool to see, leave these "stunts" to the professionals. They have years of experience and a tin-foil shield to protect their nuts (because nobody loves roasted nuts). Both of these things keep them safe.
JPizzle1122's Channel
Is It A Good Idea To Microwave AN AIRBAG!?!:
JPizzle1122's Channel
Is It A Good Idea To Microwave AN AIRBAG!?!:
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Everything sounds different in the Key of Awesome
Making pop parodies to pop music, the Key of Awesome takes some of the newer pop hits and gives it their "awesome" touch. Although sometimes a little vulgar, I've definitely put much worse up here (Jon LaJoie, for one).
The Key of Awesome's Show
Bruno Mars Grenade PARODY:
The Key of Awesome's Show
Bruno Mars Grenade PARODY:
Monday, May 30, 2011
Daneboe - Video Game Mashups
Specializing in video effects (collaborating with Gagfilms to make that stupid annoying orange), Daneboe features some pretty creative animation mashups on his channel. Some of my favorites include his combining retrovideo games (IE: Sonic VS Pac-Man or Mike Tyson Punchout VS Mortal Kombat). Most of his stuff is cool and worth a look!
Daneboe's Channel
My Roommate Mario (Super Mario Wee):
Daneboe's Channel
My Roommate Mario (Super Mario Wee):
Friday, May 27, 2011
FPS Russia - Real life guns
As tested by a crazy russian with his cool accent, FPSRussia shows off sweet firearms from a golden desert eagle to a fully automatic WWII era 40mm machine gun. "And remember, don't try this at home, I'm a professional russian."
As always, Have a nice day! =)
FPSRussia's Channel
AA-12 Fully Automatic Shotgun:
As always, Have a nice day! =)
FPSRussia's Channel
AA-12 Fully Automatic Shotgun:
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Different from Machinima Respawn, which features pro FPS play with commentary, Machinima focuses on games from a comedic point of view. This channel is worth checking out despite the Half-life video, below. This is but one of MANY shows featured on Machinima. Check it out!
Machinima's Channel
Freeman's Mind, Episode 1:
Machinima's Channel
Freeman's Mind, Episode 1:
Monday, May 23, 2011
Giving tips, tricks, and sick game play of the latest Call of Duty installation (Black Ops), xJaws is a pretty decent FPS player. Although I loved the single player Black Ops, I found the online part difficult to play (way too different from the previous games). The controls seem stiff and it's way more difficult to take people down (3 bullets no longer does it). Enough about my rant, xJaws is making me think I should study up and give Black Ops online another try now that the PS3 network is back up.
xJaws' Channel
Black Ops 30-0 Free for all:
xJaws' Channel
Black Ops 30-0 Free for all:
Friday, May 20, 2011
Ltmkilla - Raging let's plays and commentary
First off: HUGE language advisory for this one. Featured on Roosterteeth's Achievement Hunter (last post), Ltmkilla is one of the loudest raging gamers I've ever seen. His rage is hilarious! His channel features Let's Plays (he has an amusing Let's Play of Megaman 9) of games new and old.
Ltmkilla's Channel
Fable III - Gay Marriage and Angelina Jolie:
Ltmkilla's Channel
Fable III - Gay Marriage and Angelina Jolie:
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Roosterteeth's Achievement Hunter
Although Roosterteeth is most famous their halo series Red vs. Blue, they have made a new hit making the achievement hunter series on YouTube. Mainly composed of Xbox360 games and commentary, they mix comedy with interesting easter eggs and new game styles (Halo HORSE).
Please check out their channel, as the one video below doesn't even cover the variety of material they post.
RoosterTeeth's Achievement Hunter (Show)
Fails of the weak:
Please check out their channel, as the one video below doesn't even cover the variety of material they post.
RoosterTeeth's Achievement Hunter (Show)
Fails of the weak:
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
It's been a while!
Apologies on the recent lack of fresh posts, work has been busy! Starting tomorrow, at the usual 8AM EST, I'll begin a daily series about video games (reviews, commentary, let's plays, etc).
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Jon Lajoie - Comically dry
Hard punching and often far from politically correct, Jon Lajoie brings his stand-up musical act to YouTube. Bringing his musings to the world in the form of cheesy 90's rap as performed by an obviously-white white dude, Lajoie brings his style without apologies.
Jonlajoie's Channel
Jonlajoie's Channel
Kurt Hugo Schneider - Music video producer extraordinare
Not so much a maker of music, Kurt only produces covers and remixes to popular songs. His most popular collaborations are with Sam Tsui, especially his one-man-choir style covers.
KurtHugoSchneider's Channel
"Just a Dream" by Nelly - Sam Tsui and Christina Grimmie:
KurtHugoSchneider's Channel
"Just a Dream" by Nelly - Sam Tsui and Christina Grimmie:
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
LennartAlsing - Hard Rock Video Game Music Covers
Few people are capable of covering or remixing classic video game music. Lennart Alsing does exactly that. As one of the lowest subscribed YouTubers featured on my blog, he should be honored! Hope you enjoy!
LennartAlsing's Channel
Zelda - Hyrule Castle - Rock/Metal Cover:
LennartAlsing's Channel
Zelda - Hyrule Castle - Rock/Metal Cover:
Monday, May 9, 2011
Bo Burnham - Whiteboy has skills!
If there was a "Master of Puns" award on YouTube, Bo Burnham would easily win the prize. Stylish and simple music also factor into Bo's cool style.
Bo Burnham's Channel
New Math:
Bo Burnham's Channel
New Math:
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Your Favorite Martian - Up and Coming
A brainchild of Ray William Johnson (already featured in a previous post), these original animated music videos are both catchy and creative. Usually with nerdy overtones, these songs could be enjoyed by most, but truly be loved by a select few. I think I'm somewhere in the middle.
Yourfavoritemartian's Channel
Club Villan:
Yourfavoritemartian's Channel
Club Villan:
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Charlie Puth - Let's make it smooth
Now specializing in comedic original music, Charlie Puth started out remixing pop songs into relaxing, elevator-worthy tunes. I think the smoothness of his voice is key to this, although his overuse of autotune is painfully obvious in most of his songs. His stuff is atleast entertaining enough to deserve some of your attention.
Charlie Puth's Channel
Charlie Puth - Can't Believe It - Cover:
Charlie Puth's Channel
Charlie Puth - Can't Believe It - Cover:
Friday, May 6, 2011
DeStorm - What's up world?
Taking user submitted challenges, DeStorm creates amazing RnB and hip hop music. Between creating original beats and lyrics, DeStorm is also an expert in mixing his own acapella remixes of mainstream hip hop songs. Check it out!
DeStorm's Channel
Sexy ABC's and 123's:
DeStorm's Channel
Sexy ABC's and 123's:
Thursday, May 5, 2011
The Lonely Island - What do you know about YouTube
If you have never heard one of TLI's songs, you probably have lived in Antarctica for the last five years. With massive YouTube hits like "Jizz in my Pants", "Like a Boss", and "I Just Had Sex", I feel like posting this first in a week featuring unique music, there is no other better channel to kick this off!
The Lonely Island's Channel
We're back! (Not for little kids):
The Lonely Island's Channel
We're back! (Not for little kids):
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Featuring: Unique music (Until next week)
Given the comments in the Future Posts blog and on both Pomplamoose and Ronald Jenkees, I will be featuring music for the next week (daily for the next 6-10 days). Not just any music, unique creations by YouTubers, for YouTubers. Look for the first of the series, tomorrow, at the usual post time of 8AM EST.
Ronald Jenkees - Throwing hot fire, one unique track at a time
He may look strange, but his original music is a brilliant fusion of Hip Hop and Electronic sounds. In this world of Autotune madness, it's rare to find an artist that sounds just as good live as they do recorded. With inspirations coming from Timbaland and Tech N9ne, Ronald's love for music shines through all his sounds. Also, his overall message is clear: no matter what you love: do it and just have fun. Although he hasn't made any videos recently, his entire collection is amazing!
RonaldJenkees' Channel
Throwing Fire:
RonaldJenkees' Channel
Throwing Fire:
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Epic Mealtime - Who doesn't love bacon?
Have you ever wondered how Canadian frat boys eat? Me neither, but I imagine that they would eat like this... who needs more bacon strips? & more bacon strips? & more bacon strips?
TurBaconEpic: (Madden could take a lesson)
Monday, May 2, 2011
Pomplamoose - French for grapefruit
After the mind-numbing post for Cyriak, yesterday... we've got to tone it down a little. For mellow, soothing remixes and originals: look to Pomplamoose. Using complex audio sampling and mixing, this two-piece band seamlessly melds their indie personalities and clean sound into their truly enjoyable music. Also, their videos capture the making of the audio in a way that you may have never seen before.
PomplamooseMusic's Channel
Single Ladies (Put a Ring on it):
PomplamooseMusic's Channel
Single Ladies (Put a Ring on it):
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Cyriak - Unique Animations
Every now and again, you stumble across something so... extraordinary... that it is just mesmerizing. Using simple video and image samples, Cyriak creates mind-warping visionary matched perfectly by a self-made audio. Clear your mind, then check it out!
Cyriak's Channel
Cows, cows, cows:
Cyriak's Channel
Cows, cows, cows:
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Publishing "Let's Play"s, viral video commentary, and his unique literal trailer parodies, Tobuscus really has a little something for everybody... be sure to check out all his subchannels and shows, too.
Tobuscus' Channel
LITERAL Tron Legacy Trailer Parody:
Tobuscus' Channel
LITERAL Tron Legacy Trailer Parody:
Friday, April 29, 2011
Future posts
I'm considering doing daily subscribing recommendations in weekly genres. In example: a week of indie music... or maybe "let's play" channels... or even news affiliates. That way it could be more structured instead of random. Thoughts? Suggestions?
Who ever thought that remixing popular songs into an 8-bit, "Nintendo-style" format would still sound fantastic? Obviously, not me... but NESsongsrus has taken this to the next level. Although NESsongsrus is not the only 8-bit remixer, he is one of the more viewed and subscribed profile to publish primarily 8-bit remixes. Often, I imagine placing some of these songs over the audio of NES and SNES classics, like mega man... it works surprisingly well!
Here's a challenge for you: try finding your favorite song in 8-bit mode and post it in the comments. Pop and classic rock are the easiest to find, but most mainstream songs can be found out there. If you can't find it, there are free programs out there to do it for you.
NESsongsrus' Channel
YouTube Classic (Not NESsonsrus):
Tay Zonday - Chocolate Rain:
My Favorite:
Dream Theater - Panic Attack:
Here's a challenge for you: try finding your favorite song in 8-bit mode and post it in the comments. Pop and classic rock are the easiest to find, but most mainstream songs can be found out there. If you can't find it, there are free programs out there to do it for you.
NESsongsrus' Channel
YouTube Classic (Not NESsonsrus):
Tay Zonday - Chocolate Rain:
My Favorite:
Dream Theater - Panic Attack:
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Bo Schitt Productions
Inspired by the Idiots of Garry's Mod, DasBoSchitt creates sketch comedy using the Half-Life 2 Source engine. Very fast paced and slap stick, this may not be enjoyed by everybody... but it's still worth a look.
DasBoSchitt's Channel
The Gmod Idiot Box: Episode 1:
DasBoSchitt's Channel
The Gmod Idiot Box: Episode 1:
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
A quick question:
I've been told my header is a little extreme, especially for a review site. I'm proficient at photoshop; any suggestions?
Schmoyoho - Accent on the YOOOOOOOOOOO
The modern pop musical style of autotuning is taken to the extreme by Schmoyoho. Applying an interesting audiological treatment to news reports, interviews, and commercials, they have created the entertaining shows they call "Autotune the News" and "Songify This!"
Schmoyoho's Channel
Bed Intruder Song:
Schmoyoho's Channel
Bed Intruder Song:
The Onion - News that won't make you cry
Full of straight-faced satire, the onion has always put a comical spin on current events, technology, and news. Whether in print or online, their published materials always have to be taken with a grain of salt.
TheOnion's Channel
Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard
TheOnion's Channel
Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Mystery Guitar Man
Never short of creativity, Mystery Guitar Man is constantly generating some of YT's most original content. Combining special effects and unique music mixes, MGM is a must see!
MysteryGuitarMan's Channel
Guitar Impossible:
MysteryGuitarMan's Channel
Guitar Impossible:
Monday, April 25, 2011
Freddie Wong and his buddy Brandon Laatsch specialize in special effects. From full scale, live action recreations of Modern Warfare levels to 3d renderings of the first mario level in a 1st person view, FreddieW pushes the envelope for original YouTube Content.
FreddieW's Channel (Main Channel)
FreddieW2's Channel (Behind the Scenes)
Future First Person Shooter:
FreddieW's Channel (Main Channel)
FreddieW2's Channel (Behind the Scenes)
Future First Person Shooter:
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Ray William Johnson
Dare I say, RWJ is kinda my inspiration in this blog. He reviews his favorite viral videos and tracks their popularity. Topped off with intelligent, quirky commentary and some special effects for comedic effect.
RayWilliamJohnson's Channel
RayWilliamJohnson's Channel
Friday, April 22, 2011
Husky Starcraft
eSports (Electronic Sports) are beginning to become very popular in the United States. Already a huge deal in Korea, interest is beginning to swell in the rest of the world. The most common games are real-time stratigies; and the most popular is StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty in particular. And what good is watching a competition if there is no casting/commentary? With regular updates, H-to-the-Usky Husky keeps you covered.
HuskyStarcraft's Channel
Epic Pro 2v2v2v2:
HuskyStarcraft's Channel
Epic Pro 2v2v2v2:
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