Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Jon Lajoie - Comically dry

Hard punching and often far from politically correct, Jon Lajoie brings his stand-up musical act to YouTube. Bringing his musings to the world in the form of cheesy 90's rap as performed by an obviously-white white dude, Lajoie brings his style without apologies.

Jonlajoie's Channel

Kurt Hugo Schneider - Music video producer extraordinare

Not so much a maker of music, Kurt only produces covers and remixes to popular songs. His most popular collaborations are with Sam Tsui, especially his one-man-choir style covers.

KurtHugoSchneider's Channel

"Just a Dream" by Nelly - Sam Tsui and Christina Grimmie:

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

LennartAlsing - Hard Rock Video Game Music Covers

Few people are capable of covering or remixing classic video game music.  Lennart Alsing does exactly that.  As one of the lowest subscribed YouTubers featured on my blog, he should be honored!  Hope you enjoy!

LennartAlsing's Channel

Zelda - Hyrule Castle - Rock/Metal Cover:

Monday, May 9, 2011

Bo Burnham - Whiteboy has skills!

If there was a "Master of Puns" award on YouTube, Bo Burnham would easily win the prize.  Stylish and simple music also factor into Bo's cool style.

Bo Burnham's Channel

New Math:

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Your Favorite Martian - Up and Coming

A brainchild of Ray William Johnson (already featured in a previous post), these original animated music videos are both catchy and creative.  Usually with nerdy overtones, these songs could be enjoyed by most, but truly be loved by a select few.  I think I'm somewhere in the middle.

Yourfavoritemartian's Channel

Club Villan: